Boooom … and one day the fairy tale becomes reality … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

One of the greatest fear of the human being, the one from the modern times, is the fear of success.
We do not believe we can accomplish great things, and the day we see that we did succeded, we try to sabotage ourselves in different ... strange ways.
We come up with this idea of the fairy tale, that no matter what, cannot be real.
But ... we asked to the Universe so many times that we wanted to be happy ... that one day it pushes us into the scene of life ... with realistics facts.
With a small “accident”, the fairy tale becomes reality.
You become that person that you wanted to be .... maybe a great writter, or a football player, or a lawyer .... or whatever you asked for.
Also one day ....that love from the fairy tale becomes real .... and you can dare to walk on the street with the person you love by so much time.
Define better your desires, cause one day they might become real.
If you real want that ... something ... then be prepared ... cause the Universe can say ... booom ... abracadabra ... and the fairy tale becomes reality.


Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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